Contenders can apply by fill online HP TET 2016 Application Form from here.
Candidates who have appeared for the HPTET examination (TGT Arts and Medical Exam) can find the answer key from the link given below..
The HP TET Admit Card 2016 will contain your name, roll number, photograph, signature of the candidate, address of the examination center and test schedule.
Nov 26, 2014 by Anonymous Old Paper , USA
Number of questions and weightage |
150 questions carrying one mark each |
Duration | 1 hour 30 minutes |
Type of questions | Multiple choice variety with four alternatives out of which only one is correct |
Negative marking | No |
Sections of the question papers for TGTs |
For TGT(Arts) 30 questions of child psychology and development, pedagogy, teaching learning processes. 30 questions of General awareness including Himachal Pradesh, current affairs & environmental studies. 30 questions of English literature & grammar. 60 questions of Social Studies. For TGT(Non-Medical) 30 questions of child psychology and development, pedagogy, teaching learning processes. 30 questions of General awareness including Himachal Pradesh, current affairs & environmental studies. 30 questions of Mathematics 60 questions of Physics and Chemistry. For TGT(Medical) 30 questions of child psychology and development, pedagogy, teaching learning processes. 30 questions of General awareness including Himachal Pradesh, current affairs & environmental studies. 60 questions Botany and Zoology. 30 questions of Chemistry. |
Standard of TET | The test items on child psychology, development, pedagogy and teaching learning processes will focus on educational psychologyof teaching and learning relevant to the age group 11 to 14 years. They will focus on understanding the characteristics needs and psychology of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of good facilitator of learning. The questions in the other sections will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the State for classes VI to VIII, but their ability standard as well as linkages could be up-to 10+2 level of HP Board of School Education. |
After the interview the capable candidates will be selected..
Some questions in this portion of the exam are very simple to answer as they are very general.. The written examination was scheduled in different time slot at various allotted centres across the state.
STEP#04: Fill and edit Himachal Pradesh TET 2016 online application form..
Candidates who are aiming for teaching vacancies, need to qualify this state level examination. Lately it has given notification for HP TET 2015 and many serious candidates have applied for TGT (Arts, Medical, Non medical), Shastri TET, JBT TET, Languages Teacher Urdu TET, Punjabi TET. This will have the category base marks ranging and applicants can get a clear picture of performing them after applying to it.. It was established in 1969 and its headquarters is in Dharamshala.
In total 150 questions will be asked in the exam.. Urdu Language Teacher– B.A with Urdu as an Elective subject and 2 years Diploma in Elementary education.
HPBSC is conducting HPTET which implies Himachal Pradesh Teachers eligibility test
. Candidates who had paid application fee are only eligible to download HP TET Admit Card rest of application will be rejected by them..In which year did Kothari Commission come ?
. 14 of 1968 in the year 1969 as the government education firm named as Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education located in Dharamashala.Also check HPTET TGT Exam Review 2016..
business 0.3Sir pls send maharashtra tet questions papers with answers for year 2012 to 2015.
Tags : sample papers 2016 download,tgt (arts) shastri language teacher tet 2016,hp tet previous year question papers,,,hptet answer key 2016,exam date,hp jbt tet answer key 2016,hp shastri tet answer key 2016,hptet 2016 answer key,hptet cut off marks,hptet exam,hp tet,hp tet answer key,shastri,hptet,hp tet tgt answer sheet 2016,himachal tet jbt answer key,himachal pradesh tet official key,hp tet languages answer key,hp shastri tet answer key,hptet answer key,hptet answer key 2015,hptet 2016
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