Paper I: First paper will begin with the General Ability & Intelligence and Professional Skill test.. So candidates should be ready to clear their CAPF AC examination with full preparation. Download the file and then save it. Candidates have a desire for attending this examination for getting the job in the Central Armed Police Forced. So the aspirant’s continuously visit the departmental web portal for getting the trending news about the UPSC exam Syllabus..
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Union Public Service Commission UPSC Are Invited to Online Application Form for the Recruitment Post of Central Armed Police Force CAPF AC Recruitment 2016 Those Candidates Are Completed the Education and Physical Eligibility and Completed the All Eligibility Criteria Can Read the Full Notification and Apply Online...
(iv) upto a maximum of five years if a candidate had ordinarily been domiciled. To be done from NIOS book
.Exam Pattern : Exam Pattern for CISF ACs LDCE-2015 written Exam is as Follows :-.
After question paper analysis this year cut off may go slightly high. A Clearing house job is becomes a destitution about every graduate or postgraduate youth of India.
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Assistant Commandants in CRPF, CISF and SSB. However, for appointment to the.
Latest Employment News Central Government Jobs Syllabus for All Govt Exams Previous Papers for All Exams.
People who aspire to become a part of the Central Armed Police Forces need to start their preparation. PhysicsSci10_13_MagnetSci10_12_electricitySci10_10_lightSci9_12_SoundSci9_11_Work And EnergySci9_10_GravitationSci9_9_Force And Laws Of MotionSci9_8_MotionSci8_16_LightSci8_14_Chemical Effects Of ElectriccurrentSci8_13_SoundSci8_12_FrictionSci8_11_Force And PressureSci7_15_LightSci7_14_Electric Current and its EffectsSci7_13_Motion and TimeSci7_4_HeatPhysics11_1_What is PhysicsChemistrySci7_5_Acids,Bases andSaltsSci7_6_Physical and Chemical ChangesSci8_3_Synthetic Fibres And PlasticsSci8_4_Materials Metals And Non-MetalsSci8_5_Coal And petroleumSci8_6_Combustion And FlameSci9_1_Matter In Our SurroundingsSci9_2_Is Matter Around Us PureSci9_3_Atoms And MoleculesSci9_4_Structure Of The AtomSci10_1_Chemical Reactions and EquationsSci10_2_Acids, Bases and SaltsSci10_3_Metals and Non-metalsSci10_4_Carbon and its CompoundsSci10_5_Periodic Classification of ElementsBiologySci7_1_Nutrition in PlantsSci7_2_Nutrition inAnimalsSci7_10_Respiration in OrganismsSci7_11_Transportation in Animals and PlantsSci7_12_Reproduction inPlantsSci8_2_Microorganisms Friend And foeSci8_8_Cell Structure And FunctionsSci8_9_Reproduction In AnimalsSci8_10_Reaching The age Of AdolescenceSci9_5_The Fundamental Unit Of lifeSci9_6_TissuesSci9_7_Diversity In Living OrganismsSci9_13_Why Do We Fall illSci10_6_Life ProcessesSci10_7_Control and CoordinationSci10_8_reproductionSci10_9_evolutionSci10_11_human eyeBiology12_11_Biotechnology Principle and ProcessesBiology12_12_Biotechnology and its Applications3: Geography. for Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests. Those. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is the India's central authority that conducts various examinations and responsible to recruit candidates for various government services such as civil services, engineering services, defence services and so on. Sunday, 13 March 2016 UPSC CAPF Recruitment 2016 Assistant Commandant 270 Posts at
Paper | Subject | Marks |
Paper I | General English | 300 |
Paper II | General Knowledge | 300 |
Paper III | Optional Subject 1 | 200 |
Paper IV | Optional Subject 1 | 200 |
Paper V | Optional Subject 2 | 200 |
Paper VI | Optional Subject 2 | 200 |
Tags : cpf exam syllabus,eligibility,upsc,,upsc syllabus,upsc capf ac syllabus,application form,syllabus,upsc recruitment,upsc capf merit list
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